41 International News

Hungarian AGM 2024 – September 27-29

Hello my 41 friends! I hope everyone is having a nice summer! While on vacation, don’t forget that an important date is approaching… Early bird […]

IPP Barry’s Memories of His Year

At the AGM in Marrakesh Barry showed an excellent video of his year as President. It is now available to view online but we have […]

News No. 26, July 2024

Welcome to the World Meeting/AGM edition of the Newsletter. This is a bumper edition with details of the events at the WM in Marrakesh and […]

News No. 25, June 2024

Hot off the press is the June edition of 41 INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Released on the same day as the AGM in Marrakesh when Aziz will […]

Botswana – Zambia – South Africa trip 2024

If anyone is interested in doing the  Botswana  Zambia  South Africa  trip to Kasane(not Gabarone) Lusaka and Pretoria this summer I suggest you email wilhelm.rupflin@t-online.de […]

News No. 24, May 2024

Today we celebrate the second anniversary of the Newsletter. It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of President Barry’s year in […]

News No. 23, April 2024

Wishing all our members a happy and safe Easter Holiday the April edition of 41 INTERNATIONAL News is now published. To read in book form […]

Extra Rooms at AGM Now Available

March, 20 Hello my friends, The organizing committee of the World Meet AGM 41 and Tangent Marrakesh 2024 was able to negotiate 20 additional rooms […]

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