Tangent Club International (TCI) is an international umbrella association of Tangent Clubs worldwide. A Tangent is a geometric shape – a straight line tangent to the circle – the figure is the symbol for our purposes which are:
To promote and strengthen international friendships established through Ladies Circle International.
To promote, encourage and support new international friendships between Tangent Clubs worldwide.
To assist LCI wherever and whenever called upon.
To work side-by-side with the Round Table Family.
To be non-political and non-sectarian.
Our motto is: Let Friendship Continue.
In Tangent Club International, we wish to pursue the best we gained from Ladies’ Circle International – friendship, unity and the LC-spirit. Tangent Club is a natural extension to Ladies’ Circle, so the friendships and networks established at Ladies’ Circle can be maintained, when the upper age limit of Ladies’ Circle is reached. http://www.tangentclubinternational.org/