Nominate someone to join Round Table!

RTI Prospect Manager – propose new Table candidates all over the world by completing the form here:

The RTI Board has, inspired by the Norwegian Tablers, launched the ‘Global Operation Headhunter’ campaign. This campaign encourages members to think outside of their own club and identify great potential candidates for the future.

We ask that all of our of members please think about young men that you know that might fit well into Round Table.  Have a quick discussion with them and ask if you can send their details to Round Table.

Upon receiving the data, RTI will review this and share it with the respective regional chairman and the national board of the potential association.  The candidate will then be contacted by their local clubs to start the process.

Should anyone not wish their personal details to be shared, please do not add them to the form.  RTI respect the privacy of everyone and will ensure that all General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) regulations are adhered to.

The future of Round Table is in our hands!

Round Table International President 41 INTERNATIONAL President