Statement by the International Presidents of the Round Table Family. May 2022.
It is very pleasing to see that, after two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, all our five Associations are getting back to face-to-face meetings.
We all make a difference in the world and bring our Members joy, growth, love and friendship. We are all strong organisations, and we work hard to co-operate with and learn from each other and we encourage all our Members to do the same. It is with great joy that we see the joint projects and events among our Members and, we couldn’t be more proud!
It is so important that these co-operations and relationships across our organisations are very respectful, friendly and fruitful. Disrespectful, abusive and prejudiced behaviour will not be tolerated in our family of clubs wherever it happens. We, the International Presidents, denounce this sort of behaviour and urge every single Member to do the same.
We are the Round Table Family. Let us work together to keep our five organisations the friendly and safe havens that we are proud to be part of.
Ladies’ Circle International
Tangent Club International
Agora Club International
Round Table International