ECM – international meeting in Berlin

Dear fellow tablers,

Old Tablers / Clubs 41 Berlin and Potsdam are looking forward to seeing you in Berlin and have a good time together.


Indeed we do have a very fine location for the saturday event in one of Berlins most beautiful spots.

What is more, we reserved 35 double rooms at the Pestana Hotel for a reasonable (Berlin) price. But this reservations will expire soon. Half of the reservations exprire on the 4th of August. The rest will expire two weeks later.

On friday, we would like to stroll to Rio Grande at the Spree or have home parties instead. That depends on the number of registrations.

A perfect place for a first Berlin impression at the Spree riverside with the possiblity to explore nearby culture and bars etc

It is a very vivid and interesting tpical Berlin area where you have bars and clubs but also the famous East Side Gallery right on the other side. “East side gallery” are actual parts of the Berlin wall designed by artists.

Depending on the number of registrants, just Saturday Gala and sightseeing on Saturday will be roundabout 160 EUR

Please feel free if you prever more or less private welcome which makes it cheaper (but direct pay for anyone) or the meeting at rio grande with the buffet (all in all with bear and wine included and food roundabout 80 EUR) Tell is until 4th August or we will have to cancle the Rio Grande reservation if there are not enough registrations until 4th August.

So contact us!

Register here



Old Tablers Berlin

OT 1 & OT 20 & OT 55

OT Potsdam