Old Tablers Finland AGM 2017 in Hamina – meeting good old friends [Engelbert Friedsam]

IMG_2539 Dear Tablers,

After some relaxing weeks at home now the visit season has started again.  Started now with the visit to the Old Tablers Finland AGM in Hamina. The first time for me visiting the city close to the Russia border… quite a long trip. I started from home with the flight from Frankfurt to Helsinki at 8:00am and arrive in Hamina at about 15:00. Great, I am picked up at Helsinki airport by Matti and Ansa on their way to Hamina. Good to have international friends. This keeps expenses low J! During the 1,5 hour drive we could sink up on many topics, especially about Old Tablers Finland and also on international matters.

IMG_2537After arrival I was invited by President Jarkko Aitolahti to join the OTSF board meeting to give an update on 41 International and have a discussion with the board. This update sessions are helping to keep the national boards up to date and give the opportunity to get a better understanding of the focus set during my presidential year. Also to address topics from Finland to take them up on 41 International level. Also Finland appreciated the update session very much and confirmed that the 41 International approach and strategy for the future is supported by OTSF. The relationship with RT Finland is working well on board level and also on club level. The MoU between OTSF and RT Finland is followed resulting in growing numbers in both organizations. 

IMG_2536Many participants were dressed in “marine style”, the motto of the fun event Friday night. Of course lots of opportunity to refresh fellow ship and friendship. The business meeting was joined by more than 60 representatives of the clubs and areas. The meeting was held in finish, so hard to follow the conversations, but could notice from the “body language” that all was happening in a positive atmosphere. My address speech was focused on the relationship and work with RTI, the YAP program and the name discussions for our organization. On the name topic the question was raised what kind of organization we want to be in the future. This should be taken up in the next workshop in Italy. I will take this up at the next board 41 International meeting at will share the thinking.

The banner exchange was short as only few Associations were present. The gala evening was used to hand over the chains and also used to celebrate the charter of 3 new Tangent clubs in Finland.  After a long night with great fun and lots of talks Matti and Ansa took me back to the airport. Another great AGM that showed that Oldies can party J!

we-are-tablers_500We are all Tablers!



Engelbert Friedsam

41 International President 2016 – 2017



Costumed “Marine officer” at the Friday Theme Evening


Theme night


Theme night marine officers under the theme night decoration


Business Meeting from the left: President Jarkko Aitolahti , Secretary Rauli Pohjola, incoming President Juha Salonen